Elliptical structure made of precisely fitting precast concrete elements

Syspro-Gruppe Betonbauteile e. V., 53175 Bonn, Germany

A large residential and commercial building has recently been completed at Aesculap-Platz in Tuttlingen, Germany. For the construction of the floor slabs and wall panels, the client chose precast concrete elements from Egon Elsäßer Bauindustrie GmbH & Co. KG.

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Egon Elsäßer Bauindustrie GmbH & Co. KG Am Schmidtengraben 1 78187 Geisingen, Germany T +49 7704 8050 info@elsaesser-beton.de elsaesser-beton.de Syspro-Gruppe Betonbauteile e. V. Matthias-Grünewald-Straße 1-3 53175 Bonn, Germany T +49 228 37756322 info@syspro.org www.syspro.de


19.02.2025 - 22.02.2025
22.02.2025 - 24.02.2025