Betocrete, the crystalline sealing system from the company Schomburg, is successfully used as admixture for concrete, in particular on international markets. Its 2-in-1 technology reliably closes cracks (up to 0.5 mm) and provides additional hydrophobing – the concrete heals faster and virtually protects itself.
Betocrete-C protects concrete from corrosion even in unfavorable climate zones. Cracks as well as the capillary pore structure demonstrably re-close as a result of crystallization. This innovative 2-in-1 technology – which is, moreover, available in powder and liquid form – makes the concrete admixture highly effective: separation cracks, hairline cracks and capillary pores threaten the substance of a building. Harmful substances such as salts and chemicals in the ingressing water can cause major damage deep in the concrete of a construction.
The nanocrystals formed by the concrete admixture Betocrete-C react with the ingressing water, grow and in this way fill the cracks. This reduces ingress of water. Because harmful substances are kept outside, the service life of a building can be extended by up to 30 years: because new crystals are formed with every contact with water.
Another benefit, in addition to longer service life, is reduced maintenance cost and greater safety. This is because the Betocrete system is often used in buildings for which there is no room for error: commercial properties, cooling towers and parking structures, which are ideal applications for Betocrete building sealing.
The admixture for concrete meets the requirements of German, European and diverse other international building regulations. The products are certified by bodies such as the BBA (British Board of Agrément) and the Dubai Municipality. You will find more information on this topic at Microsite
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