New ice and hot water plant tempers fresh concrete energy-efficiently even under changing conditions

KTI-Plersch Kältetechnik GmbH, 88481 Balzheim, Germany

Climate protection and the increasing scarcity of resources are just two challenges that the construction industry will face in the future. This makes it all the more important to produce concrete, a CO2-intensive building material, as durable and long-lasting as possible. Only careful curing can achieve the quality required for this. Otherwise, cracks can still form months later, causing massive damage to the structure and necessitating costly repairs. However, particularly high or low ambient temperatures, which are be- coming increasingly frequent and prolonged even in more temperate climes in Europe and North America, make temperature-controlled concrete production more difficult. The results are very high energy costs for concrete cooling and heating as well as rising emission levels. The new CombiWater from KTI-Plersch Kältetechnik GmbH, specially developed for concrete production, now provides a remedy. The flexible and energy-efficient heat pump produces iced water in summer and hot water in winter. The recirculation principle keeps the water, once at the right temperature, efficiently cold or warm even during idle times in the insulated tank.

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KTI Plersch Kältetechnik GmbH Carl-Otto-Weg 14/2, 88481 Balzheim, Germany T +49 7347 95720 F +49 7347 957222


12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
19.02.2025 - 22.02.2025