Sustainable and efficient hardscape production in cold climate

Polarmatic Oy, 33720 Tampere, Finland

Best Way Stone Ltd. is an independent, family-owned business established in 1965, with two well positioned and modern manufacturing facilities near Toronto, Canada. Best Way Stone supplies high-quality hardscape, and their product range consists of concrete pavers, retaining walls, and masonry products. John Pignatelli, Partner at Best Way Stone was looking for a solution to achieve consistent year- round production in cold climate. As a result of his search for a partner who could deliver that, he contacted Polarmatic Sales Director Kurt Damery to discuss new heating and curing options for their batch plant. Since 2018, Best Way Stone’s Uxbridge plant is equipped with a non-boiler, containerized thermal energy unit TurbomaticTM.

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Contact Polarmatic Oy Ahertajankatu 9 33720 Tampere, Finland T +358 103979100 F +358 103979101


12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
12.02.2025 - 13.02.2025
19.02.2025 - 22.02.2025